They guided me all throughout - Riza, RN

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This is some text inside of a div block.

At first, I was anxious because there were so many topics to be reviewed. However, when I was going through the modules, it made me realize that the lessons were really helpful in transitioning to the US. Although it was time-consuming, it was really worth getting through it. The coaches were also helpful because they guided me all throughout and reminded of the areas that I missed to touch.I found it really important to be able to complete the training modules because it covered topics that were useful in practicing nursing as a whole. It included ways of taking care of oneself despite the busy schedule and most especially in being able to adjust in the US healthcare setting.It took me 7 weeks to be able to complete all the 9 modules because I had other things to accomplish also. However, I liked the flexibility of accessing the training materials, I was able to sign in to my account anytime I want to and especially when I'm in the mood for review.I would definitely recommend the training to other candidates, because it contributes to self-awareness, and boosts one's confidence. I'm sure this will be beneficial for them too.Now that I've finished the training sessions, I feel a lot more secure. When you know what to do or where to seek help, you'll gain more confidence.

July 25, 2019
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