Inspired by Patients' Progress Daily - Charvey

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We are hereby honored to announce that the winner of June 2019's Allied Employee of the Month contest is Charvey!! Congrats to Charvey as he will enjoy a spotlight on both our Facebook and website! He will also receive the winner's certificate for this month, bragging rights, and a gift!If you know someone who is currently working for PassportUSA, you can nominate them to be our next employee-of-the-month. We also accept self-referrals from current PassportUSA employees!

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Charvey is a Physical Therapist who is from the Philippines and is currently assigned in Texas. He has been working in the healthcare field for 17 years and has been working with PassportUSA for over 3 years!Charvey was nominated for Allied Employee of the Month by his Executive Director: "Charvey is always willing to adapt to our daily changes to his schedule. We continuously receive positive feedback from patents reporting the excellent care Charvey provides. He is very caring and compassionate to his patients. Charvey communicates well and works very well with our team."Learn more about PassportUSA's PT, Charvey by reading his responses below!What drew you to Health Carousel? "A friend referred me to the company. After a lot of research on different companies I finally found Health Carousel as one of the best international healthcare staffing agencies."What do you like most about working with our client? "The facility is very passionate and caring. My Executive Director is my favorite. She is very hard working. She literally stays until 10PM in the office. Everyone in the office and even the field staff loves her."What do you like to do outside of work? "I like dining out, playing my guitar, and singing. I am a decent singer. I like doing household chores and am now trying to learn how to use a lawn mower and take care of the grass. I love doing everything with my wife. We will be learning how to take care of our first baby soon."What do you love most about being a PT? "Seeing my patients progress from being on bed to walking inspires me a lot. Some patients or relatives would express their appreciation and some will not but from the very first time I did my oath as a physical therapist up to this point, I still love taking care of them. As long as I can do the job, I will continue being a physical therapist."What is your favorite American food? "I love everything but Texas BBQ is my favorite."Tell us something unique about you! "I'm a quiet type but love noise. I can assemble things without reading instructions which my wife hates. I have a brother in another city in Texas who is also a physical therapist and has been an Employee of the Month too. I have been to Los Angeles, California, and I know a little bit of Spanish and Chinese."What's your favorite quote? "To err is human, to accept it.... Superhuman."If you are not a current PassportUSA employee, simply apply with us today and we'll get your journey to the USA underway!

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January 4, 2020
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