Caring Competency of Filipino Nurses Study - Emmanuel

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Emmanuel wrote a study on the caring competency of Filipino nurses! Impressive research Emmanuel!"The results revealed five themes:(1) caring as outcome‐oriented(2) caring as transformative moment by moment(3) caring as selfless commitment(4) caring as valuing the worth of human life(5) caring as an achievement of a transcendent level of self‐fulfillmentFurther, the caring competency of nurses was symbolically represented by an upward spiral staircase which could be considered as a metaphor for growth.Conclusion: The CBE was found to be effective in developing the caring competency of nurses, wherein it goes through a complex transformation process as they face different kinds of situations and experiences. The caring competent nurse can provide a holistic approach in providing care to various types of patients."Paragas, E. D., Jr. (2019, February 15). “The upward spiral staircase of caring”: A hermeneutic phenomenology study of the caring competency of Filipino nurses grounded in competency‐based education [Academic study].

March 27, 2019
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