Guidance of Health Carousel - Erienne Lae

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"I joined Health Carousel in September 2016. It was a long but smooth process. I am truly grateful to Health Carousel for helping me make my dreams come true. At first, I was unsure if I can make this work but with the guidance of Health Carousel, especially because of my International Deployment Advocate, Lenci, I made it through. To other nurses, keep pursuing your dream, never give up, trust the process, do your part and most importantly, pray!"PROFESSION: Registered NurseCANDIDATE NAME: Erienne LaeLOCATION: IllinoisDEPLOYMENT DATE: April 29, 2019

Achieve Your #AmericanDream
May 1, 2019
Recent Testimonials
Congratulations to Aela, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
Patience and Persistence - Aela
Congratulations to Ria Rose, RN, who recently completed the first step in the American Dream with PassportUSA.
Possible American Dream - Ria Rose