
Navigating Assignment Preferences

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Hi, everyone.

Good morning or good evening, depending on where you're at in the world. Thank you for joining us today.

My name is Julia Roy. I am the associate manager of the international programs team. I'm Erin Kollmann. I'm the manager of the international deployment team here at PassportUSA. And today, we're gonna kind of talk to you a little bit about preferences when it comes to your location and how you kind of decide what's gonna be the best opportunity for you and your family and what that process really looks like. We wanna be able to really educate you on how you pick your preferences, how do you start your research and things like that.

So the purpose of your location preferences really just, you know, depends on person to person.

We wanna make sure that your selection aligns with what your specialty is and your location preferences are. We want you to be happy with where it is that you're living and where you're gonna work. Because if you're happy, then you're going to enjoy your career and your job here in the United States. And that's gonna make you a more successful employee and you're gonna build a community off of that. So it's really important that we get your location preferences so that you are happy and, you can build a life for yourself in the United States.

So Julia kind of did the purpose of preferences, and I wanna go into what your preferences mean. So we base your preferences off of a specialty.

So it's mostly what you are currently working in your current unit. The location that you're looking to go to, facility type preference, and the community that you're looking for.

So when you're thinking of preferences, it's really important to think about what are you really wanting here in the US? Do you have family and friends that live here? What climates do you enjoy? Are there certain churches that you wanna be near?

So all of this is really important for your preferences.

It's also important to know what kind of facility you wanna go to.

But I would say the top two really specialty and location that we're really gonna focus on.

And I'm gonna go into more about preferences, but we want you to know that once you do fill out the survey, this is what our accounts team uses to match you with facilities here in the US. So really take time when you're filling this out and put some thought behind it, ask family and friends as well. So when you do your preferences survey, you're knowing really where you wanna go here in the US.

So where do you begin with your preferences?

So if there is somewhere you already know you wanna go here in the US. Your family or friends live there. That is great. I do always recommend to still research that city and state to make sure even though you heard from family and friends, that's where you're looking to go, research a little more to make sure. So some more things to consider.

Like we've said multiple times, family and friends, but family and friends is always the most important for everyone. And that's why I we keep bringing it up on every single slide. So family and friends, if they do live here, our goal is to get you either with them or as close as we can.

Climate. Do you want warm weather? Do you want cold weather? Believe it or not, some people want cold weather. I personally like cold weather.

So just know there are more than just the states you see on TV shows for Texas and California that are the warm state.

Cost of living. So your cost of living is different every state as well. So, I know a lot of people go to the like to go to New York, New Jersey. That is a higher cost of living. So if you want to go somewhere with a lower cost of living, ask your current assignee about that. We can give you options on states, or kind of point you in the right direction on what would be a lower cost of living.

What are your interest in hobbies? Julia mentioned hiking yesterday. Colorado. Julia loves outdoors, so I know where she would wanna live, but there are lots and lots of states where you can go for hiking. Do you not wanna hike at all? Are you single? Do you have a family? Just interests and hobbies, that's another way to kind of find where you wanna go here in the US.

What's around - mountains, lakes, oceans. There's so much to do here in the US. So just make sure you're researching or ask your current assignee.

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